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Earth Etude for Elul 22 The Thread of Elul

Carly Sachs

What does thunder say and what storm

or visitor has come to quench the secret


thirst of the soul and how different the soft knocking

of the heart and can you bathe in the waters


of the breath? The dharma of a warrior is not to fight,

but to love, and how do you trust that your vulnerability


is your strength. Discernment is knowing that to hold

and to release are not two beads, but one thread.

Carly Sachs is a writer and yoga teacher. She is the author of the steam sequence and Descendants of Eve, and the editor of the anthology, the why and later. She bakes challah weekly in Lexington, KY. You can follow her baking journey on Instagram at challah_at_y_all.



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